Fuck Your Bonus

There’s something grinding my gears to the breaking point right now and I’m sure many people share my frustrations. Economies have been known to expand and contract. It’s a regular cycle of economics, but when you take an already contracting economy and then blindside it with years upon years of stupidity catching up… shit gets real… MAD REAL. It’s no secret that everything is fucked much more than normal because of cock sucking assholes in the finance field. It happens! Cataclysmic mistakes have been made in the past and I’m sure they’re going to be made again. But giving bonuses to the same fuck heads that got the whole world into this shit storm is not a way to prevent them from happening in the future. It’s how mistakes are forgotten, and then repeated, and it will end us all.
So let’s say you’re a young chap and you do something good. You get rewarded. I can recall getting good grades in my youth and being rewarded for them. Teachers would place golden star stickers on top of “A” grade papers. Mom and Dad up the allowance money for good school performance. So the standards are set at a young age. Do something good = reward. To coincide with that norm, there’s also punishment for misdeeds and below average performance. So why has it become commonplace in financial corporate America to dish out bonuses to the same people that are responsible for fucking everything up?!

To start, I understand that there are many complex things that take place in today’s finance industry. There are a lot of people fresh from college, or even 30 and 40 somethings in the middle of their careers that pull in meager salaries at financial giants working thankless 9-5 jobs. Sorry that you chose that career path, but it doesn’t justify you receiving a bonus. Knowing how bullshit flows, I understand that the little people that comprise the majority of these shitty organizations are not the ones receiving the biggest bonuses. It’s the idiots that started this financial catastrophe that are rewarding their own stupidity with fat bonus checks funded by taxpayers. “But my contract states I get a bonus! (stomps feet and pouts) I’m entitled to bonus money via a legally binding document.” Hey! Fuckheads! People are killing themselves because their hard earned retirement funds are being decimated by falling confidence in our investment system because of YOUUUUUUUUUU. So stop crying about your fucking bonus and quit pointing at the fine print. Do something good, get us out of this fucking mess, and then you’ll get your precious bonus money when it’s funded by your success and not by the people you’re fucking.

Regardless of your gender or sexual orientation, try to picture this scenario. Getting fucked while sucking the same dick at the same time… can’t happen. That’s what these insurance and financial giants are doing to people right now. Because of their decade plus of loose lending standards they have inflated and crashed an otherwise stable and sound financial system. So they’re taking you the tax payer, fucking you, and having you suck the same dick while it’s inside of you. Pretty much sums up getting a bailout and then distributing bonuses.

It’s not like the US is busy making friends all over the world right now. No hiding the fact there’s a shitload of people pissed because of our Middle Eastern deployments. During our Arabic tour, let’s fuck up the world’s financial system while we’re at it so the veterans of these increasingly ambiguous struggles return home to perpetual joblessness. THEN… here’s the kicker.. THEN, we’re going to demand bonuses for fucking everything up. Congratulations assholes! You are now in textbooks explaining why it’s a bad idea to keep 35-1 debt to asset ratios. Take any retard, give them one Oreo, then ask that same retard if you can borrow 35 Oreos. Even that retard knows that it’s a fucking retarded idea. You CEO’s can take your elitist lifestyle and shove it up your ass. Look at the mess you made!
And sorry to all of your underlings working at these places, but you still don’t deserve a 2k bonus on top of your 32k salary. You have a job, be thankful. To compare, there were probably a decent amount of Nazi’s that never killed a single Jew, but any affiliation is still going to bring on a bad stigma. Same goes for you. So stop bitching about your fucking bonuses, use the good graces of an overpowered government shelling out an endless cash flow to actually FIX things, and then we’ll talk about raising your allowance and giving you a later bed time. Assholes.

~ Jack .45 ~

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