Terrorism FAIL

On Christmas Day some dirty, brown god having, religion drunk extremist tried and failed to blow up an airplane just before it landed in Detroit. While I am able to understand the flurry of news reports and security proficiency reviews that followed, I have noticed there is something that EVERYONE is neglecting to do in the wake of this attempted terrorist attack: Make fun of the fucking idiot(s) who epically failed in this botched attempt to blow up a plane over a city no one cares about anymore.

First and foremost: Detroit!? Really!? If these idiots did succeed and blowing up a plane over Detroit I’m pretty sure the media frenzy to follow that would be over quicker than what we’re dealing with now. All Detroit is to America is the rubble of a failed automotive industry, a shitty football team, and a good hockey team everyone loves to hate.

Second: If you fail at something you’re better off not claiming responsibility for it. It’s like being proud of spending 5 years getting a psychology degree. As soon as this idiot forgot how to use liquid explosives the Yemen chapter of Al WhoGive-a-Shit was quick to say they were responsible. Al Qaeda in Yemen is nothing more than a bunch of fucking attention whores with too much free time and nothing better to do. And Yemen? Nga Plz. Yemen is to Saudi Arabia as New Jersey is to the East Coast. A little fucking shit hole filled with fucking idiots that no one cares about. Yemen’s Al Qaeda members are the Guido’s of the Arab world. NO ONE LIKES YOU!!!

In closing: Yemenis Al Qaeda! You suck at what you do. What you stand for is so generic and played out that if the god you pretend to worship does exist he would be embarrassed by you. I respect (while simultaneously disagreeing with) all religions, but your take on Islam is childishly destructive and philosophically elementary. If you really want attention this bad why don’t you do something that benefits the world rather than setting the Muslims back any further than they already are? But I digress. In short, HA HA YOU SUCK!

~ Jack .45 ~

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