Going Rogue

Going Rogue: Does Sarah Palin Even Know What "Rogue" Means?

Let me begin with the simple statement that I am neither liberal nor conservative, but rather libertarian. Ron Paul was the closest thing to a descent candidate we’ve had in awhile. I’m a big proponent of having the government stay the fuck out of my life. Fuck paying ridiculous taxes, fuck the whole war on drugs, fuck global warming, fuck those pro-life pussies against killing fetuses, and fuck those who continue to waste billions of dollars fighting never ending wars. So essentially all I really want is to live in a society where I can keep most of the money I earn, not have to give a shit about others, while having a great time smoking drinking, pissing, and shitting all over the place.

I’d like to start off with the fact that the title of this book pisses me off more than pompous pricks with Bluetooth head sets that you can’t understand over the phone because these $100+ devices suck and make you look like a douche bag!

Let us begin with the first definition:

Definition 1:
Vagrant or Tramp. : one who has no established residence and wanders idly from place to place without lawful or visible means of support b : one (as a prostitute or drunkard) whose conduct constitutes statutory vagrancy.

From this definition, I imagine Sarah Palin is looking to travel the world fucking dudes in hopes that her 45 year old vagina could pop out a few more retarded children. Speaking of which, there is nothing better than looking at your friends on the weekend and saying “Dude we are going to get Trig Palin tonight!”

Definition 2 and 3:
Dishonest, worthless person, mischievous person, or scamp.

Well she’s obviously a politician so I think this nails her qualities right on her stupid ass glasses wearing head.

Definition 4:
(Interestingly enough) A horse inclined to misbehave.

Definition 5:
(Finally) An individual exhibiting a chance and usually inferior biological variation.

In summation:
Sarah Palin is a dishonest, worthless, tramp, horse inclined to be disobedient while prominently displaying her position at the lower end of the gene pool (An American Life).

Fuck you, you cunt!

- Scott Peterson -

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