Jon & Kate + 8 LOL

I’ll cut right to the chase with this one and say fuck… F-U-C-K… FUCK Jon and Kate Gosselin. If you don’t know who these selfish, self sympathizing fuck wads are, they’re the stars of the retarded show “Jon and Kate Plus 8.” Fuck them. Fuck them in their stupid asses. And fuck each of their eight kids too.
I have never watched any more than 5 minutes of the show collectively. I think the longest clip I saw was of the formerly happy couple talking about how crummy their relationship had become and how they weren’t sure “which direction it was going.” Must be the first couple to have marital problems. After that extended exposure I was drooling, crossed eyed, shitting and pissing myself. I thought I was desensitized to stupid shit on television from “Keeping Up With the Over Privileged and Talentless” and “Fat Former Playmate Who Fucks Her Kid, Her Lawyer, Some Douche bag, Another Douche Bag, and Ended up Overdosing on Slimfast and Methadone.” But the retardedness level of this bullshit actually jumped from the screen and turned me into a high school wrestling team mongoloid for a few seconds.
So let me break this down. These fuck heads met at a picnic and ended up getting married just two years after doing so. Following that, just like any selfish, recently married, 20 somethings, they wanted to have children. I’m going to interject on myself quickly and say that the desire to have kids is probably the most selfish thing a person could have. The earth is pretty damn close, if not already over it’s tolerance capacity for humans. “I want to have kids!” REALLY? YOU want to have kids? Yeah, don’t think of the kids and the world you’re bringing them into… just keep thinking about yourself. That being said, the two selfish faggot love birds find out the bitch Kate is having problems with her female junk. Her ovaries are fucked up and they aren’t able to have kids. Rather than heed nature’s advice, they pursue intrauterine insemination* and end up having twins. Two kids! Enough… right? WRONG! So these fucking idiots continue spitting in the face of nature, the cunt’s ovaries start pumping out enough eggs to make a Mormon woman jealous and Jon and Kate end up having six more kids on top of the two they already created. Hence the faggy title “Jon and Kate Plus Eight!”
* Whatever the fuck that is.

I am still in the dark about what these people actually DO. Well as of right now it’s pretty clear that they exploit their own misery, along with their children’s, for profit. As far as what they did professionally before this… I don’t know, maybe they got paid to be self righteous, self involved, pity factories. Or maybe Kate got paid to have her vagina featured in the circus as a clown car. “Boo Hoo, I have 8 kids because I fucked with my reproductive functions and now my relationship’s falling apart.” Who FUCKING CARES? Well according to TLC (The Learning Channel) about 9.8 some million people care about it, and that’s not to mention the halfwits buying up magazines and tabloids throughout the country with this shit splashed all over the cover.

This shit sickens me. This is a moral hazard to the way the media and population is glamorizing bad decision making and stupidity. The same people who set DVR’s and alarms to make sure they catch every episode of this nonsensical bullshit are probably the same people that shake their heads in disapproval to news of teenagers making “pregnancy pacts” and fucking homeless dudes. I WONDER WHY?! MAYBE because these kids, lacking anything close to resembling parental guidance, think it’s a great idea to reproduce like rabbits, mooch off the system and who knows, maybe they can make a show in the future?
If TLC is really the “LEARNING” channel, I’ll go ahead and recap what I’ve LEARNED so far:
There should be no limit on how many children any couple or individual should pump out.
If I have a few kids, I can whore their privacy to live out my own hopes and dreams.
Having eight kids, documenting it, and having lots of money will destroy my marriage.
Showing no self respect = BIG BUCKS!
Becoming a celebrity via exploiting the disaster that is my marriage and children is acceptable.
Every woman should pack her vagina similar to how chipmunks pack their face.

I love America. I’m not in love with America, but when shit like this becomes what defines this country, can anyone blame the fucking terrorist and other people who have nothing but hatred and distain for us? Seriously? I know every country has its fucked up shit (cough! JAPAN!), but when this multi level exploitation becomes a million dollar form of entertainment… I kind of hate America too. I hope these two split, put their kids up for adoption, and all 10 of them end up dying tragically in a fire.

~Jack .45~

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