Corporate Coggery 101: Accounts Receivable
Work begins with the commute. The standard transmission car you drive isn’t cut out for the starts and stops of city traffic. Any small pothole you hit makes your CD player jump so even Jack Johnson can’t calm the nerves beginning to fray with the inevitable 9 hour long despair awaiting. You pull up, pay the asshole parking attendant 1/3 of an hour’s pay to park. “Have a nice day,” you say. Nothing. Your mood sours before you even get to work and your first semi passive aggressive phrase slips past your lips, “Yeah, I hate my life too,” you say as you drive away to find a parking spot. The four minute walk to the building is tarnished by the cold wind blowing in your face. Finally you are inside, a skeleton known as a security official greets you with a “good morning!” You reciprocate the pleasant exchange, yet think to yourself, “FUCK YOU! There’s nothing ‘good’ about this morning.” You catch an elevator with 3 other people, one of which gets off exactly one floor above the lobby instead of taking the stairs. You sigh, hoping it’s loud enough for the person to hear, but they continue on un-phased… besides… they’re not working in accounts receivable. Finally the elevator stops at your floor, as you exit the stranger you shared it with says, “have a nice day,” to which you don’t respond. The place your personality used to be is exchanged with a cold, empty void incapable of generating any thoughts that aren’t depraved and hateful. You walk to your desk. Luckily the manager of the department isn’t there yet, so not only is your 15 minute tardiness not noticed, but an early exit is possible. That is the only satisfaction you will be able to extract from the day before you sit down and begin mindless processing of repetitive, numerical bullshit.
The background you put up to make yourself laugh doesn’t even catch your attention anymore, so to replace it, you put up one that matches your everyday thoughts.
Your immediate supervisor approaches you:
“Hey (your name), I have a special assignment for you!”
You grimace knowing “special” means “stupid” and you follow through with it.
“’Special’ like I’ll use my brain to complete this task ‘special’? or ‘special’ like he rides the short bus, maybe we can put him on the wrestling team ‘special?”
She laughs. Good thing she doesn’t know any retarded people or else that may have come off as offensive… the way it was intended to be.
As predicted, the “special” assignment was retarded and you complete it within a matter of an hour even though it only really took you 15 minutes to do it. The loud ass cunt department manager is going off about losing weight. The bitch is fucking skinny enough, what she needs is a workout program to fix her ugly mug. Along with that, the woman that does need to lose weight is making dozens of passes to the candy jar while blasting the latest and shittiest music from her ipod. You go to bite down on your fingernail but it’s already down to the nub. “Why did I quit smoking?” you think to yourself.
The day is coming to a close, the stacks of bullshit work you finished have been replaced with higher stacks of even shittier bullshit. You stuff your bag with the last of things you’re taking home with you. The loud ass, narcissistic, cunt, fucker, surely divorced, rotten ovary having, bitch of a manager says “have a good night.” YOU SNAP! You pull a handgun out from you bag, casually walk over to her desk and ask “can you hold something for me?” She looks up at you. You strain and reach to position the barrel of the gun directly on the back of your head. You pull the trigger and in an incredible spectacle only comparable to a watermellon at a Gallagher show, your dome explodes and your face lands on the woman’s lap.
That’s what working in accounts receivable is like.
Fuck that shit.
~Jack .45~